Meet: Maritime officer job vacancy
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Working as a mate or engineer (Maroff up to 3000 GT/kW).
A Maritime Officer (often abbreviated as 'Maroff') is someone who is involved in the navigation of the ship, monitoring the operations in the engine room, and supervising the loading and unloading of the ship. In other words, a Maritime Officer is trained in both the duties of a mate and those of a marine engineer.
Function requirements:
• Capable of functioning independently on board.• In your role, you may be deployed both on deck and in the engine room.
• You independently maintain navigation watch and manage necessary paperwork.
• You have proficiency in both English and Dutch languages, both written and spoken.
• You possess a CoC Maritime Officer certificate.
Discover our maritime vacancies.
Welcome to Helder Maritiem, where your skills and passion for the maritime world find the perfect anchorage. Are you looking for maritime vacancies or specifically for opportunities as a maritime officer? Then you've come to the right place. Our job page has been carefully curated to connect professionals like you with the most promising opportunities in the maritime sector.Maritime vacancies, why choose Helder Maritiem?
In the dynamic world of the maritime industry, Helder Maritiem is your compass to success. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities within this sector, and therefore, offer a wide range of maritime vacancies, ranging from technical positions to leadership roles. Our profound knowledge of the maritime world enables us to provide not only vacancies but also a platform for growth and development.Maritime officer, a role of responsibility and adventure
As a maritime officer, you are at the helm of your career with responsibilities ranging from navigation to managing engineering tasks. Helder Maritiem offers you the opportunity to be part of a sector that is essential to the global economy and where every day is a new adventure. With our specialized maritime officer vacancies, we will together find the perfect match for your skills and ambitions..Navigate your career to success with Helder Maritiem
Join Helder Maritiem and discover a sea of opportunities. Our dedication to the maritime sector and our broad network ensure that we can offer the best maritime vacancies. Are you ready to take your career as a maritime officer to new heights? Explore our job page today and set sail for your future.You possess:
- a strong sense of safety
- hands-on mentality
- excellent communication skills, both in Dutch and English