worker, helder maritiem

Meet: Able Seaman (AB)

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As an AB, you perform various maintenance tasks, including on equipment, minor repairs, making rustproof, sanding, painting and connecting and disconnecting barges in push barges.

Job requirements:

Job requirements:
  • Valid STC-W'10 documents/certificates
  • National Certificate of Competency forming part of a navigational watch
  • Good knowledge of the English language
ship, workers, sea, helder maritiem

Job description:

  • You assist with the mooring and unmooring of the ship.
  • You operate winches, cranes and other ship equipment.
  • You assist with loading and unloading the cargo.
  • You do maintenance work such as painting on deck, sanding, cleaning up tools and engine maintenance in the engine room.
  • You keep the ship clean and provide meals for the crew.
worker, helder maritiem
ship, worker, helder maritiem
maritiem officier vacature
worker, employee, helder maritiem
worker, chain, helder maritiem

Work Location:

As a sailor you can be deployed worldwide.